Friday, January 2, 2009

Give us this day...

Today I am thankful for

2. The bread that God provides physically, and is spiritually, in my life daily.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Hi Lori,
Hope you still remember me from the Temp Charting patterns thread. I was thinking of you, and found this blog through your other one. Congrats on your LSAT scores! I remember the agony of MCATs way back when, and have my final licensing exams coming up in the next couple months, so the pain is oh-so-familiar to me.
I hope you're doing well, and would love to hear from you sometime. I didn't realize you're a big Anne McCaffrey fan too - I can't even count the number of times I read the Dragonsong trio of books. Her son Todd's are pretty good too. I got the latest out of the library, but was annoyed at the end that the storyline is still completely incomplete, and I'll have to wait another year or so for the next installment. How frustrating!